HIP HIP HORRAY! We've been given clearance to start shows again! It's time to get all your horse show stuff out of hiding, organized and ready to hit the show grounds. If you're like most of us after these covid lockdowns, it's like "where is my stuff??" "Who's on first?" lol
One of the most important show items we have is our totes or arena bags. A horse show similarity of a woman's make up bag lol. At Ranch By Design, we have a couple of Big D totes and arena bags in stock. They have awesome pockets and hold A LOT of STUFF! lol
Here are some horse show tips on great ideas to put in your tote.
First and foremost, PEPI -- a couple of cans is good as you can NEVER have enough in my world!
Grand Champion "Shine On" or any highlighter (in stock in black and clear) -- Highlighting ears, eyes and muzzle plus tops of manes and tails -- this product is absolutely amazing, it will not melt off their faces it stays put and the shine is amazing! Its a must have!
Soft Horsehair Brush -- A great finishing tool for that last minute once over before sending your horse or friends horse into the pen.
Fly Spray -- Depending on the time of year or even the location, no one likes a swishing tail. A little bit of fly spray will go a long way in curbing that annoyance.
Hoof Pick -- YES!!! It's great to have clean hooves to go to the show pen as some footing can really pack in hard and actually make horses look sore when in fact they just have feet filled with hard footing.
Scissors -- Ya just never know when you will need to cut something!
Black Electrical Tape -- the cure all for tail extensions.....ALWAYS have multiple rolls on hand!
Bands -- For manes and tails -- Inevitably a band will break at a bad time and you will be prepared!
Safety Pins -- you know they are just about priceless when you are running short on time with a forgotten number on a pad or someones jacket....a great option to have in your bag.
Pen and Show Schedule - These things look horid by the end of the day with dirt and wrinkles but hey, you know all your classes and most of your buddies as well! lol.
Pattern Book -- Again.......similar to the show schedule....mutilated but OH SO important!!!!
Water Bottle -- Never a bad thing to have a small drink when it's hot and you're parched.
Lipstick -- Goes without saying if you're a female, you will need a lipstick check before going in the arena.
Baby Wipes -- I love to wipe my hands off with baby wipes especially before I show a halter horse. They are so nice to have to quickly clean a mess up, too.
Color Enhancing Spray -- To touch up legs, feet and boots......always have it!
Bobby Pins and Hair Spray -- Just in case we have stray hairs or a hat that is not fitting properly especially on a windy day outside.....
Clean up towel/rag -- Make sure you have a clean towel for every day of the show. A clean towel is so nice to have for wiping everything from horses, humans and equipment off.
What about snacks? Seems to me, just about that time you're waiting for your class that you remember you haven't eaten and your stomach starts to growl. A snack will hold you over and take your mind of your hunger.
I'm sure there's lots of great ideas out there for your show totes. . . . .
What's in your tote?